Why Kid Comics?

Why Kid Comics?

If At First You Don’t Succeed…  If you read last month’s newsletter, you know my upcoming graphic novel Woodland Hills was dropped by the publisher. The rights have been reverted to me so I’ll be pitching again to new publishers. My agent asked if I wanted to...
Making A Comic Page

Making A Comic Page

Making A Comic Page:  From Script to Final Art Last year, my book agent asked me to share how I break down a comic page for her blog. I love to hear other creator’s processes, so I was happy to do it. I figured I’d share that with you here.   Step 1: The Script   I...
Why Do I Make Comics?

Why Do I Make Comics?

Why Do I Make Comics? A few years back, I read the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek. His book is about businesses but it relates to individuals. He breaks it down with Why, How, and What.   WHY. Most people don’t know why they do what they do. WHY is not about...
Creating Happiness

Creating Happiness

Can you be happy as a creator? This post is different than my typical entries that focus on some educational aspect of craft or how-to instructional. Today though, I’m going to talk about happiness as a creator. Figuring out how to be present. Finding happiness in the...