3 Questions With… Ruth Chan

I am a sucker for personal stories, memoirs, and coming of age stuff. So when I saw Uprooted, I was all in. It’s Ruth Chan’s story about when she was in junior high, her family moved from Canada to Hong Kong, where her parents originally immigrated from. 

Ruth is not thrilled about the move and the adjustment is not easy for her. She tells her story alongside her father’s story about when he was born and his family was fleeing invading soldiers during the Sino-Japanese war. 

It’s a fascinating peek into her personal story and cultural differences. And even though the specifics are nothing like my own experiences, the struggle to fit in and find one’s space is completely relatable. Highly recommended! 

What is it that you want people to take away from your work? 

 My hope is always that people feel seen and heard and less alone in whatever situation they are in. And for them to have a good laugh.


What was the book/comic that you fell in love with when you were a kid/teen? 

 Garfield. Then and now and forever. I actually didn’t love reading as a kid, but I devoured Garfield comics and would beg my parents to buy me the books to keep as my ‘collection’.


If you had a genie to promote your work in any way, what would that look like? 

 A free copy of my graphic memoir, Uprooted, to every kid. Not so much to promote me work, but for all kids to have access to a story that hopefully tells them they’re seen and heard

You can find Ruth online at: 






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